In a recent interview with GeekWire, LIFT founder, Matt Chasen, shared about his roots in Seattle, where he worked on the F-22 Raptor.
Seattle has a long history with aviation and its one we're proud to join. A few reservations remain in Seattle for our upcoming tour. Check them out here.
Greetings Lift Aircraft:
This is to report a change of address from 2606 Talbot Crest Dr. S, Renton, WA 98055 to new address 3151 NE 16th St #236, Renton, WA 98056 effective immediately. Please change all of your database records to reflect this? Thanks for the gifts that I've received. When will your test flights be in the Seattle area?
I am thoroughly looking forward to the experience in the interest of transportation in a city ranked 3rd in the nation for its traffic congestion. In my research as a social scientist of human geography, it's primarily due to the geographical configuration. Whereas, Seattle is basically an Island. You have to cross a bridge to get into or out of…