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Matt Chasen

New Partnership with Agility Prime & US Air Force

In the midst of this challenging time, we have some good news.

We are excited to announce that LIFT Aircraft is beginning a partnership with the US Air Force’s groundbreaking initiative, Agility Prime. Visit their website this week to watch the Launch Event.

Agility Prime is a non-traditional program seeking to accelerate the commercial market for advanced air mobility vehicles (i.e. "flying cars").

This partnership will help us advance flight testing, airworthiness & safety, and ultimately, certification. This means accelerating progress not only toward the tour via safety testing, but also expanding HEXA’s flight envelope: faster, higher, stretching the aircraft's limits.

While this is a government program, its intent is to nurture commercial endeavors in the vertical flight space. This is an important mission, and we are honored to be selected as participants.

The United States Air Force is second to none in developing and testing the most advanced aircraft on the planet. Agility Prime’s event this week features an impressive slate of Air Force leadership and government officials all speaking about the importance of vertical flight and pledging their support. They seek to advance this industry, and so do we.

We stand at a unique time in history. We have the technology. We know that people want to fly. We have HEXA.

And now, with Agility Prime, we have the support of the US Air Force. Onward and upward.

Stay safe everyone,


Update: See Matt's presentation below.

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